Artocarpus heterophyllus description

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Artocarpus heterophyllus description

a. morphology of plants
Tree A. heterophyllus (jackfruit) has a height of 10-15 m. stems erect, woody, round, rough and dirty green. Leaf A. heterophyllus single, alternate, oblong, pinnate leaves that have bones, flesh thick leaves, flat edge, pointed tip, 5-15 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, stalk approximately 2 cm long and green. Jackfruit flower is shaped grains of compound interest, is in the armpit leaves and yellow. Separate male and female flowers with stems that have a ring, there are male flowers on new stem between the leaves or above the female flowers. The fruit is yellow when ripe, oval, and brown seed (Heyne. K, 1987)

b. classification of plants
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Urticales
Family: Moraceae
Genus: Artocarpus
Species: Artocarpus heterophyllus

c . Chemical content and benefits of plants

The leaves of this plant jg recommended by ayurvedic medicine as an antidiabetic drug because jackfruit leaf extract hypoglycaemic effect ( Chandrika , 2006 ) . Additionally jackfruit tree leaves can also be used as a facilitator milk , ulcers ( topical) , and injuries ( topical) . The meat of young jackfruit ( tewel ) used as vegetable food containing albuminoid and carbohydrates . While the jackfruit seeds can be used as a cough medicine and tonic ( Heyne. K , 1987) . Jackfruit seeds can be processed into flour which is used as raw material for the food industry ( feed materials mix ) . Wood efficacy as an anti- spasmodic and sedative , fruit pulp as an expectorant , leaves as laktagog . Jackfruit wood is considered superior to teak for furniture manufacture , turning the building construction , masts , poles for horse and cow stables , paddle , tools , and musical instruments . Sap of the bark has also been used as drug fever , and as an anti-inflammatory drug worms . Jackfruit tree can be used as traditional medicine . Chemical constituents in the wood is morin , sianomaklurin ( tanning substances ) , flavonoids , and tannins . In addition , there is also a wood skin new flavonoid compounds , namely morusin , artonin E , sikloartobilosanton , and artonol B ( Ersam T , 2001 ) . Empirically proven bioactivity as anticancer , antiviral , antiinflammatory , diuretil , and antihypertensives ( Ersam T , 2001) .

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